For five years in a row, the country was leader in Europe according to the level of Foreign Direct Investment per capita and still is among the highest in the Central and Eastern Europe.


Predominately service oriented economy.


Key drivers of future growth are tourism and energy.


The World Tourism Travel Council/Oxford Economics estimates suggest that in long term growth (2015-2025) Montenegro will enjoy annual growth in visitors exports of around 8 % (3 rd possition in the world).


Current investments in tourism projects amount to about eur 3 billion.

One of the lowest tax rates in Europe.


Tourism as a driver of overall development

Montenegro presents one of the best opportunities in Europe for real-estate investments, coupled with a solid outlook for investments in commerce, shipping, industry and services.


The small country , most likely, be the next European Union member, as membership negotiations should conclude in 2025. Most of the legislation already conforms to EU standards, as Montenegro opened 32 out of 33 negotiations chapters (March 2020 data).


The country’s economy is growing continuously, it has a free trade agreement with both EU and Russia, and already has Euro as a national currency. Even as Montenegro continues to approach European standards, the average salary is still relatively low (511€), which is beneficial for investors, as well-educated domestic workforce is readily available. World Bank’s Ease of doing business index ranks Montenegro on 42th place among 190 countries, placing Montenegro in the category of countries where doing business is “very easy”.


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